Internet Wagering

Recently, the gov’t has been talking about outlawing internet gambling in the States. While this isn’t very likely to occur, the house will likely try to levy a tax on the casinos. This is forcing most organizations to close their casinos or to move them offshore. Just because the administration has conveyed its moral agenda onto the US Public, is no reason that the public should give up their right to the "pursuit of happiness".

A ton of people enjoy the net bingo games. Lately a woman won the "Queen of Bingo" contest from one of the web sites. She won $10,000 and international recognition for her accomplishment.

Millions of people wager at brick and mortar casinos and different locations. Why should online gambling be different? Even churches uses bingo to bring in money and they enjoy tax free status.

Perhaps we should remind congress that they work for us, not for themselves. Remind them that the "Bill of Rights" has not been repealed.

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